Today's installment concludes The Siege of Gibraltar 1782,our selection from The History of Gibraltar and of Its Political Relation to Events in
Gibraltar Needs Supplies
The Spanish Government having gained intelligence of the approach of this powerful force, instantly took measures to attack the expedition before it
Destruction of the Floating Batteries
In Spain the news was received with consternation and despair. With the destruction of the floating batteries the siege was virtually
Bombardment of Gibraltar Commences
Never before in the annals of war had a spectacle so magnificently grand been witnessed, by land 400 cannons by sea 50 ships of the line.Continuing
The Allied Council of War
While these discussions and misunderstandings were distracting the councils of the besiegers, a master hand was guiding the preparations for the
Preparing the Floating Batteries
The fame of the siege of Gibraltar had ere this spread to the remotest corners of Europe.Continuing The Siege of Gibraltar 1782,our selection from
The Siege of Gibraltar 1782
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Armored Batteries at Sea.IntroductionHow did Great Britain become a