Today's installment concludes The Spanish Reconquista,our selection from History of Spain and Portugal by Samuel A. Dunham published in 1832.If
Vast New Muslim Army Arrives in Spain
The following June, the kings of Leon and Castile having assembled at Toledo, and been joined by a considerable number of foreign volunteers, the
Internal Dissension Hampers the Spanish Reconquista
After a period of about forty years, during which the Christians were steadily increasing their dominions, almost every contest between the two
Yussef Proclaims Jihad
My dominions," said Abu-Giafar, "are the only barrier between thee and the Christian princes.”Continuing The Spanish Reconquista,our selection
Muslim Army Strikes Back
Alfonso was besieging Saragossa, which he had every expectation of reducing, when intelligence reached him of Yussef's disembarkation.Continuing The
Abdallah Establishes Himself in Morocco
Having put the finishing touch to his magnificent city of Morocco, he transferred thither the seat of his empire.Continuing The Spanish
The Spanish Reconquista
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Toledo Falls.IntroductionDuring the early part of the eleventh century