We Athenians sailed to Sicily with the design of subduing, first the Greek cities there, and next those in Italy.Continuing Syracuse Defeats
Syracuse Defeats Athens – 4
The fleet consisted of one hundred and thirty-four war-galleys, with a multitude of storeships.Continuing Syracuse Defeats Athens,our selection
Syracuse Defeats Athens – 3
A confederacy was formed of five-sixths of the continental Greeks, all animated by anxious jealousy and bitter hatred of Athens.Continuing Syracuse
Syracuse Defeats Athens – 2
Athens was now staking the flower of her forces, and the accumulated fruits of seventy years of glory, on one bold throw for the dominion of the
Syracuse Defeats Athens
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionThat great writer of the history of the Romans, Thomas Arnold, says of the defeat
Battle of Saratoga – 6
Today's installment concludes Battle of Saratoga,our selection from Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World by Edward Creasy published in 1851.If
Battle of Saratoga – 5
Burgoyne's column had been defeated, but the action was not yet over.Continuing Battle of Saratoga,our selection from Fifteen Decisive Battles of
Battle of Saratoga – 4
Burgoyne now halted again and strengthened his position by field-works and redoubts; and the Americans also improved their defenses.Continuing
Battle of Saratoga – 3
Burgoyne's employment of the Indians now produced the worst possible effects.Continuing Battle of Saratoga,our selection from Fifteen Decisive