The fierce shouts of the Germans pealed through the gloom of the forests, and in thronging multitudes they assailed the flanks of the
Arminius Chooses Place of Ambush
This region still retains the name (Teutobergenwald = Teutobergiensis saltus) which it bore in the days of Arminius.Continuing Arminius Drives
Roman Occupation of Germany
Vast, however, and admirably organized as the fabric of Roman power appeared on the frontiers and in the provinces, there was rottenness at the
Arminius Drives Romans out of Germany
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. First installment: Dark and Disheartening German Prospects.IntroductionThis battle was
The Battle of Marathon – 12
Today's installment concludes The Battle of Marathon,our selection by Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy.If you have journeyed through all of the
The Battle of Marathon – 11
The Athenian slain were buried on the field of battle. This was contrary to the usual custom.Continuing The Battle of Marathon,our selection from
The Battle of Marathon – 10
In the Persian army there were many gallant men, under a veteran general; they were familiarized with victory,Continuing The Battle of
The Battle of Marathon – 9
Marathon itself was a region sacred to Hercules. Close to them was the fountain of Macaria, who had in days of yore devoted herself to death for the
The Battle of Marathon – 8
Some years were occupied in the complete reduction of Ionia. But when this was effected, Darius ordered his victorious forces to proceed to punish