As they approached the enemy, Marlborough's troops formed the left and the centre, while Eugene's formed the right of the entire army.The Battle of
Before the Fight
"I know the danger, yet a battle is absolutely necessary, and I rely on the bravery and discipline of the troops, which will make amends for our
Marlborough Marches South
"With such skill and science," says Coxe, "had this enterprise been concerted that at the very moment when it assumed a specific direction the enemy
The Battle of Blenheim
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: France Aims for Dominance in Europe.IntroductionFrance under Louis XIV
Battle Joined's installment concludes Battle of Metaurus,our selection from The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from
The State of the Roman Legion
The tactics of the Roman legions had not yet acquired that perfection which they received from the military genius of Marius, and which we read of in
Hasdrubal’s Failed Withdrawal, Vulnerable Position
At the first watch of the night Hasdrubal led his men silently out of their camp, and moved northward toward the Metaurus, in the hope of placing that
Roman Armies Combine Against Hasdrubal
Rome faced war on two fronts, south and north. Carthage now had two armies and almost two Hannibals, in Italy.Continuing Battle of Metaurus,our
The Brothers Must Never Meet Alive
It had not been expected either by friend or foe that Hasdrubal would effect his passage of the Alps so early in the year as actually