This strife, at the base of Round Top, momentarily ceased, for, having disposed of Sickles's entire left, Lee put Hill into the fight in the endeavor
The Gettysburg Battlefield
The ground over which the conflict of July 2nd was to rage may be thus described.Continuing Battle of Gettysburg,with a selection from History of
First Day of the Battle of Gettysburg
Lee’s concentration was rapid. The fight of Wednesday had been, to him, a surprise.Continuing Battle of Gettysburg,with a selection from History of
Battle of Gettysburg
This series has thirteen easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Preliminary Moves.IntroductionAbout midway on the ridge running
Memorial Day 2014
Time: July 2, 1863Place: Little RoundTop, Gettysburg, PennsylvaniaThis hill is where the southernmost end of the Union line
The Final Proclamation
Today's installment concludes Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation,the name of our combined selection from John Hay and by John G. Nicolay and
The Statesmanship Problem
Fame is due Mr. Lincoln, not alone because he decreed emancipation, but because events so shaped themselves under his guidance as to render the
The Grand Purpose
In these extracts we have the President's outline explanation of the legal validity of the proclamation.Continuing Lincoln's Emancipation
Constitutional Basis of the Proclamation
I am naturally antislavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel.Continuing Lincoln's