This series has two easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: 10,000 Houses Aflame.IntroductionIn the reign of Charles II -- the
Isaac Newton’s Legacy
Today's installment concludes Discovery of Gravity,our selection from Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton by Sir David
Newton Calculates Mass of Sun and Planets
If the peculiar genius of Newton has been displayed in his investigation of the law of universal gravitation, it shines with no less luster in the
Contribution of Kepler’s Laws
The Principia consists of three books. The first and second, which occupy three-fourths of the work, are entitled On the Motion of Bodies, and the
Principia Mathematics Produced
This manuscript, entitled Philosophic Naturalis Principia Mathematics and dedicated to the society, was presented by Dr. Vincent on April 28,
The Importance of Elliptical Orbits
But though Newton had thus discovered the true cause of all the celestial motions, he did not yet possess any evidence that such a force actually
Discovery of Gravity
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: An Apple and a Moon.IntroductionThis series was written before Albert