At Worms, however, while the Pope was concluding an alliance with Charles against France, the papal legate Aleander, by commission of the Emperor,
Luther at the Great Debate
Luther, by refusing thus point-blank to retract, effectually destroyed whatever hopes of mediation or reconciliation had been entertained by the
Luther Enters Diet of Worms
Luther was not prepared for this proceeding, and possibly the first sight of the august assembly made him nervous.Continuing Luther Begins the
Diet of Vadstena Recognizes Gustavus
On August 24th, therefore, they swore fealty and obedience to him as administrator of the kingdom.Continuing Sweden Liberated,our selection from
Siege of Stockholm Begins
Thus began, at the midsummer of 1521, the siege of Stockholm, which was to last full two years.Continuing Sweden Liberated,our selection from
Sweden Revolt Spreads
Gustavus broke from his quarters, and marched across the Long Wood into Westmanland.Continuing Sweden Liberated,our selection from History of the
Sweden Liberated
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Gustavus Elected Leader of the Revolt.IntroductionDenmark conquered
Cortez Meets the Captive Emperor
Today's installment concludes Cortez Captures the Aztec Capital,our selection from History of the Conquest of Mexico by William H. Prescott
“Let No Harm Come to My Wife and Followers.”
Cortés led his warlike array for the last time across the black and blasted environs which lay around the Indian capital.Continuing Cortes Captures