Today's installment concludes Fatimites Conquer Egypt,our selection from History of Egypt in the Middle Ages by Stanley Lane-Poole published in
Fatimits Force the Nile Barrier
The inhabitants of Egypt accepted the new regime with their habitual phlegm.Continuing Fatimites Conquer Egypt,our selection from History of Egypt
The Fatimite’s Leader El-Moizz
The conquest of Egypt was indeed the aim of his life.Continuing Fatimites Conquer Egypt,our selection from History of Egypt in the Middle Ages by
Fatimites Seem Brutal and Barbarous
With the fourth caliph, however, El-Moizz, the conqueror of Egypt, 953-975, the Fatimites entered upon a new phase.Continuing Fatimites Conquer
Fatimites Conquer Egypt
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Islam’s Great Schism Explained.IntroductionJust like the Christian