It was this war that for the first time the close-hauled line-of-battle was undeniably adopted as the fighting order of the fleets.Continuing When
Effects of Smaller Vessels on Naval Command
Those who are familiar with the theories and discussions of our own day on the subject of fleet tactics and weapons, will recognize in this short
Fireships Were Obsolete
Those who are familiar with the theories and discussions of our own day on the subject of fleet tactics and weapons, will recognize in this short
Second Anglo-Dutch War Begins
The war between the two sea States was wholly maritime and had the general characteristics of all such wars. Three great battles were
France’s Choice: Power by Land or Sea?
Who pointed out to Louis that to turn the arms of France against Egypt would give her, in the dominion of the Mediterranean and the control of Eastern
Summary of Background Passages
Thus as briefly as possible have been sketched the conditions, degree of power, and aims which shaped and controlled the policy of the four principal
Parkman Part 6 v1, Chapter 5
The conflict is in the main a weary detail of the murder of one, two, three, or more men, women, or children waylaid in fields, woods, and lonely
England’s Position in 1660
The conditions of England, with reference to her fitness to enter upon the impending strife, differed from those of both Holland and
Aftermath of the Dutch-Spanish Conflicts
The United Provinces owed their consideration and power to their wealth and their fleets.Continuing When Fighting Sail Matured,our selection from