On the day of the shot, five parties entered the ground zero area.Continuing The First Atomic Bomb,our selection from Project Trinity 1945-1946 by
The Atomic Bomb Detonates
Because the Allied conference in Potsdam, Germany, was about to begin and the President needed the results of the test as soon as possible, the
A Pre-Test Explosion
Three shelters, located approximately 9,150 meters (10,000 yards) north, west, and south of ground zero, were built for the protection of test
Historical Background of Project Trinity
What would be the extent and effects of such a nuclear chain reaction, or of the hazards of the resulting blast and radiation?Continuing The First
The First Atomic Bomb
This series has nine easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The Atomic Explosion and Safety Measurements.IntroductionThe detonation
Today's installment concludes The Northfield Bank Job,our selection from The Story of Cole Younger by Cole Younger published in 1903.If you have
Parkman Part 6 v1, Chapter 7
To hunt Indians with an endless forest behind them was like chasing shadows. The Acadians were surer game.Our special project presenting the
The Getaway
We had no time to wreck the telegraph office and the alarm was soon sent throughout the country.Continuing The Northfield Bank Job,our selection
Bank Robbery
“Get your guns, boys; they're robbing the bank.”Continuing The Northfield Bank Job,our selection from The Story of Cole Younger by Cole Younger