It might be, and it might be anything else, too; a body can't tell nothing about it, such a distance as that.Continuing Mark Twain's Mississippi
Rivermen Sing and Talk
And they talked about how Ohio water didn't like to mix with Mississippi water.Continuing Mark Twain's Mississippi River,our selection from Life
France Controls Port Royal
New England has been blamed for not employing trained officers to command her levies; but with a couple of exceptions, there were none in the country,
Come Back Here, You Couple of Chicken-Livered Cowards!
When he got through, he jumped up and cracked his heels together three times, and let off a roaring 'Whoo-oop! I'm the bloodiest son of a wildcat that
Mark Twain’s Mississippi River
This series has seven easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Illustrating Keelboat Talk and Manners.IntroductionA glance at the map
Dosimetry Analysis of Project Trinity Participants
Today's installment concludes The First Atomic Bomb,our selection from Project Trinity 1945-1946 by Carl Maag and by Steve Rohrer published in
Monitoring the Site
The cloud drifted to the northeast, and higher gamma readings due to fallout were encountered in this direction.Continuing The First Atomic
Protecting the People
The Medical Group was divided into two monitoring groups, the Site Monitoring Group, which was responsible for onsite monitoring, and the Offsite
According to dosimetry data, entrance logs, and other records, about 1,000 individuals were at the test site at some time between 16 July 1945 and the