When the French looked landward from their ramparts they could see scarcely a sign of the impending storm.Our special project presenting the
Parkman Vol. 7, Chapter 19
During his first short term of office, Pitt had given a new species of troops to the British army. These were the Scotch Highlanders, who had risen
Parkman Vol. 7, Chapter 18
If the English had small cause as yet to rejoice in their own successes, they found comfort in those of their Prussian allies.Our special project
Threats of the French Minister
For the last time, I exhort you to give these things your serious attention, for they will not escape from mine."Our special project presenting the
Corruption in Canada
A writer of the time exclaimed: "This is the land of abuses, ignorance, prejudice and all that is monstrous in government. Peculation, monopoly and
Labor Day, 2024
Today is Labor Day. We remember all work: wage earners, independent contractors, entrepreneurs, managers, clergy, and non-profit semi-volunteers. work
Parkman Vol. 7, Chapter 17
At this stormy epoch of Canadian history the sinister figure of the Intendant Bigot moves conspicuous on the scene.Our special project presenting
A Winter of Discontent 1757-1758
Under the hollow gayeties of the ruling class lay a great public distress, which broke at last into riot.Our special project presenting the
Parkman Vol. 7, Chapter 16
This time their ferocity cost them dear. They had dug up and scalped the corpses in the graveyard of Fort William Henry, many of which were remains of