While at one end of the lake the force of Abercromby was diminished by detachments and disease, that of Montcalm at the other was so increased by
Thanksgiving, 2024
While every day we should give thanks for the blessings of life, today is a special day for this.This year we are reprinting Mistress Esteem
The Assault on Ticonderoga
A soldier of the Rhode Island regiment, William Smith, managed to get through all obstructions and ensconce himself close under the breastwork.Our
Ticonderoga in 1758
The peninsula of Ticonderoga consists of a rocky plateau, with low grounds on each side, bordering Lake Champlain on the one hand and the outlet of
The Admirable Lord Howe
‘The noblest Englishman that has appeared in my time and the best soldier in the British army," says Wolfe.Our special project presenting the
Parkman Vol. 7, Chapter 20
Massachusetts was extremely poor by the standards of the present day, living by fishing, farming and a trade sorely hampered by the British navigation
Terms of Louisbourg’s Surrender
The surrender articles stipulated that the garrison should be sent to England, prisoners of war in British ships and that all artillery, arms,
Louisbourg Surrenders Again
The answer was prompt and stern: the garrison must surrender as prisoners of war; a definite reply must be given within an hour.Our special project
Columbus Day, 2024
Columbus’ discovery of the Americas was an event of the highest importance in the history of the world. Through Columbus the Europeans discovered the