Coolness of judgment, a profound sense of public duty, and a strong self-control were even then the characteristics of Washington but he was scarcely
Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia
Virginia and all the British colonies owed him much; for, though past sixty, he was the most watchful sentinel against French aggression and its most
What Were Acadia’s Boundaries?
Meanwhile, for the past three years, the commissioners appointed under the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle to settle the question of boundaries between
Louis Joseph Le Loutre
He was vicar-general of Acadia and missionary to the Micmacs, the most conspicuous person in the province, and more than any other man was answerable
British Drive French Settlers Out of Acadia
Nothing could exceed the misery of a great part of these emigrants, who had left perforce most of their effects behind.Our special project
French Incite Indian Hostilities in Acadian Region
The French had never reconciled themselves to the loss of Acadia, and were resolved, by diplomacy or force, to win it back again.Our special project
Critical State of the West at the Outset of the French and Indian War
Perplexities increased; affairs in the West grew worse and worse.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in Canada by
Abbé Piquet’s Journey
No English establishment on the continent was of such ill omen to the French as Oswego. It not only robbed them of the fur-trade, by which they lived,
Christopher Gist
Gist was delighted with the country; and reported to his employers that "it is fine, rich, level land, well timbered . . ., well watered . . . and