The English spent some days in preparing their camp and reconnoitering the ground.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in
Situation of Acadia
France’s loss of the Acadian peninsula in a previous war had been gall and wormwood to her; in losing it she had lost great material advantages.Our
Braddock’s Army Routed
It was about this time that the mob of soldiers, having been three hours under fire, and having spent their ammunition, broke away in a blind
Battle of the Monongahela
July 9, 1755: both men and officers of the British army were new to this blind and frightful warfare of the savage in his native woods.Our special
Braddock’s March to Fort Duquesne
It was the tenth of June 1755 before the army was well on its march (to present day Pittsburg).Our special project presenting the definitive account
Braddock’ Arrival
A powerful ally presently came to his aid in the shape of Benjamin Franklin, then postmaster-general of Pennsylvania.Our special project presenting
Condition of the British Government
But if the Whig soil had become poor for a wholesome crop, it was never so rich for toadstools.Our special project presenting the definitive account
British Colonies Dither
While to these northern provinces Canada was an old and pestilent enemy, those towards the south scarcely knew her by name; and the idea of French
Fort Necessity
In spite of his desperate position, Washington declined the parley, thinking it a pretext to introduce a spy; but when the French repeated their