by Jack Le MoineEngland's first try for dominance in France fails. Continuing our series on France's Wars. Did you ever notice that in almost
Monmouth’s Rebellion
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Duke of Monmouth Lands in England.IntroductionThe Stuarts had a
The Reconquest of Spain
This short monograph from the Library of Congress by Charles Julian Bishko is just 33 pages long. A little more in depth than a blog
Where Is Oliver Cromwell’s Head?
Joanne Major in All Things Georgian does a history detective on something missing.
James II Invades Ireland
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Siege of Londonderry Begins.IntroductionKing James II lost the
Patton at Bastogne
This is from Geoff Loftus at Forbes Magazine, published in 2010.
Cervantes’ Don Quixote Reforms Literature
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Cervantes’ Severe Ordeal.IntroductionThe fame of the most celebrated
The Peace of Augsburg and the Abdication of Charles V
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Charles V’s Brother Ferdinand at the Meeting.IntroductionCharles V as
The Jacquerie Rebellion
This series has two easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Rebellion from Defeat in the 100 Years War.IntroductionThe defeat of the