Again they embarked; and with every stage of their adventurous progress the mystery of this vast New World was more and more unveiled.Previously in
Table of Contents of Francis Parkman's books on French Canada published on this site.
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 19
The Sioux, consoled by their promises to return with goods for trade, did not oppose their departure; and they set out together, eight white men in
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 18
Every morning, at daybreak, an old warrior shouted the signal of departure; and the recumbent savages leaped up, manned their birchen fleet, and plied
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 17
It was on the last day of the winter that preceded the invasion of the Iroquois that Father Hennepin, with his two companions, Accau and Du Gay, had
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 16
The French of Canada were seeking to secure a monopoly of the furs of the north and west; and, of late, the enterprises of La Salle on the tributaries
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 15
And now La Salle's work must be begun afresh. He had staked all, and all had seemingly been lost.Previously in The Discovery of the Great
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 14
It was the worst of all seasons for such a journey. The nights were cold, but the sun was warm at noon, and the half-thawed prairie was one vast tract
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 13
Such was the first civilized occupation of the region which now forms the State of Illinois.Previously in The Discovery of the Great
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 12
When they mounted to the top of the hills, they saw beyond them a rolling sea of dull green prairie, a boundless pasture of the buffalo and the