Historically, almost all of the energy that humans use has been directly or indirectly generated by the sun, whether that be food energy from plants,
Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age
The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that occurred from the 13th to the 19th centuries. This cooling was likely caused by a number of
War and Civilization
Was war a result of human beings organizing into larger and more complex agricultural social orders, or did war maybe create agriculture and
War & Human Nature
Is humanity naturally warlike, hard-wired to kill, or is war a cultural construct? There is the Hobbes versus Rousseau debate, the effects that war
What effects that disease has had in human history? Disease has been with man since the beginning, and it has shaped the way humans operate in a lot
Money & Debt
What is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all disappear so quickly after payday?Continuing World History Topics by
Rethinking Civilization
This is about the idea of civilization, some of the traditional hallmarks of so-called civilization, and why some people would choose to live outside
When Fighting Sail Matured
This series has eighteen easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The General Situation of the Primary Naval Powers in
20 of the Most Important Moments in Internet History
From the latest happenings in things historical. This article 20 of the Most Important Moments in Internet History was published 22 days ago in Mental