She was a heroic lady. The story of her various illnesses and how they impacted her life is so very sad. One wonders how God let this
America Commemorates World War I
How should it do this? This essay from History Matters manages to over-think this question. Was WWI important to America? The answer is obvious.
Seasonal Blogging
George Campbell Gosling speculates on his blog why academic blogs are read more during the school year than during the summer and holidays.
Dust Attacking Historic Records
The National Archives Blog reports upon a problem that affects us all.
Collective Memory
Just discovered an essay on how our collective memory (i.e. history) is molded, shaped and preserved. This from ThinkShop blog.Update : That
Ugliest Churches
Realclear Religion has a feature showing some churches done with poor architectural taste. The selections are aesthetic in nature, not
Interactive Storytelling
The Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 is just a platform for Books & to interview David Armitage about how to use modern tools to let
The Great Debate on the Magna Carta Is on – Still
Both The Social Historian and myself are thrilled that the commentariat are going through one of their cyclical bouts of thinking they Know Stuff
Why Commemorating the Past Is Important
In the blog Care for the Future: Thinking Forward through the Past, two professors from the University of Exeter in England give their reasons