by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This January 1, 2015 a partnership of the world’s universities opened up their
Who are Historians?
by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in the world of history.[Update 1/9/2016: that blog seems to have gone dormant. Ms. Campbell gives
Probe Lands on
From the latest happenings in things historical. The article Ten Years on Titan linked below was published 23 days ago in Slate. The article's author
Why we’ve Never Lived in Such Peaceful Times as Now
In The World Is Not Falling Apart published by Slate last month on 12/22/14, Steven Pinker and Andrew Mack argue that world violence is at a new low.
Maps That Will Change Your View of the World
Here are some interesting maps comparing data in new, instructive and novel ways.This map shows the world from millions of years ago. (300 to
The Reconquest of Spain
This short monograph from the Library of Congress by Charles Julian Bishko is just 33 pages long. A little more in depth than a blog
Major Elections Coming in 2015
2015 is an off year election in the USA but abroad there are major elections scheduled that will affect us all.This is from Suffragio.
The View from Peru
Looking at North America from the Incan point of view. Bradley Dixon from Not Even Past writes from a different point of view not only
What Is “Transnational History?”
George Campbell Gosling's blog notes that this term is misused in academic circles a lot and explains why.