Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their US History Series, #14. Age of Jackson, published on May 9, 2013In
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their US History Series, #13. Slavery, published on May 2, 2013.In which John Green
The Market Revolution
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their US History Series, #12. The Market Revolution, published on April 26, 2013.In
UN Memory of the World Project
by Jack Le MoineIn the news this week China's Documents of the Nanking Massacre were approved for The Memory of the World Register. This
The War of 1812
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their US History Series, #11. The War of 1812, published on April 18,2013.The War of
Lost Film of American Indians Found
by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This article Rare Film Is Glimpse Of A Distant America was published 8 days ago
Why Ancient Rome Matters
by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This article Why Ancient Rome Matters was published yesterday in The
The Bi Li Shu Biao Logarithm Tables
by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This paper Study on Compilation of Bi Li Shu Biao was published 27 days ago in
Thomas Jefferson’s Administration
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their US History Series, #10. Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy, published on April 11,