Have fun tonight. While we celebrate the end of 2023 let’s do a quick retrospective of it. What happened that historians will emphasize a century from now? I have thoughts.
As 2023 Recedes Into History

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The top story of 2023 was:
Support Goes Wide for Hamas
Hamas is evil. They want to eliminate the Jews. They want to eliminate the Americans. They rape and murder women, children, and even murder babies. As of today, they hold hundreds of innocent people hostages.
On October 7 of this year, they attacked a festival and initiated a massacre. This began a war with Israel.
Most significantly, they oppress the Palestinian people who inhabit the Gaza Strip. They won enough votes in an election in 2006 to take over the government. Once in power, they cancelled all future elections. This is what tyrannies always do – for one common reason: they might loose. Hamas’ chief victims are not the Jews but the Palestinians.
The facts supporting the above assertions are generally available and widely reported. Despite this they have been widely ignored. Massive demonstrations throughout Europe and North America have opposed Israel specifically and Jews generally. These have reached into the upper reaches of society, including the most prestigious universities.
This was the most significant– and disturbing – development of 2023.
Russians Threaten Nuclear War
Nuclear war used to be considered unthinkable. This year it became not just thinkable but also rhetorical. While the North Korean dictator has threatened nuclear attacks for years, the Russian threats have taken the danger of this civilization-ending holocaust to a new level.
MOSCOW, Feb 21 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday delivered a warning to the West over Ukraine by suspending a landmark nuclear arms control treaty, announcing that new strategic systems had been put on combat duty, and threatening to resume nuclear tests.”
Russia may be forced to use a nuclear weapon if Ukraine’s counteroffensive succeeds, senior Russian official Dmitry Medvedev said Sunday – the latest in a series of nuclear threats made during Moscow’s invasion by the key ally of President Vladimir Putin.”
Russia’s hard-liners are rattling the nuclear saber vigorously these days, on television and in academic journals, arguing that an atomic blast — in Ukraine, in Europe, or maybe in a test over Siberia — is the only way to restore the West’s fear of Russian might.
But so far President Vladimir V. Putin is not joining the chorus.
He’s not exactly shedding his bellicose approach to the West, but these days, when it comes to nuclear weapons, he seems to relish the role of the coolheaded decider, even as he keeps the threat of a nuclear strike alive.”
Trump Indicted; Leads Presidential Race
Trump’s behavior after the 2020 election was reprehensible; his opponents’ behavior has been, too. Exaggerating his statements; twisting the law. The last few years has been marked by Democratic Party prosecutors filings against him in Democratic Party strongholds in front of Democratic Party judges.
The juries in these communities will be drawn from pools where Trump is the most hated man in them. Most of the jurors will be against him from the beginning while those who are not will have to worry about the effect of a not-guilty vote will be held against them for years to come. They will still have to live in those communities after all the Trump stuff is done. As for the judges, they will have to worry about their re-election.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the trials were held in more neutral venues?
What people can do is cast protest votes in the election. We’re getting the worst of all possible situations.
Universities in Decline Revealed
That too many of them have valued left-wing ideology over academics have been a complaint for years. Now the simplistic attacks on Israel has confirmed these suspicions. Their students are not the best or the brightest; the quality of education are not good, either.
Their failure to distinguish between the interests of the Palestinian people and the Hamas party makes the decline of those universities obvious.
The failure of those universities includes the highest levels of the university leadership. The Presidents of three leading universities testifying before Congress were unable to condemn their students calls for genocide against Jews, claiming that such calls depended on context. What conceivable context would calls for genocide against Jews by acceptable?
Pope Endorses Sin
Pope Francis’ position is that same-sex unions are sinful. He okayed blessing those unions. This is the first time in history that the Catholic Church endorsed sin.
(Other sinful acts such as war was justified by just-war theories.)
If the Pope had said that same-sex unions were no longer sinful, then at least he would be consistent. As it is, now sin is to be blessed, not condemned.
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