Great was the alarm in Canada when it became known that the enemy aimed at nothing less than the conquest of the colony.Our special project
Archives for March 2022
The Age of Steel Begins
This series has five easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The Lucy Furnace.IntroductionSteel became the principal material of the
Early New England Classroom
IntroductionWhat was it like to be a child in school in colonial days? This story (The Old Fashion School) by one of America’s greatest writers
Great Britain and France Partition Africa Between Them
Today's installment concludes Meeting at Fashoda,our selection from The River War by Winston S. Churchill published in 1899.If you have
Life at Fashoda
All tempers were worn by fever, heat, discomfort, and monotony.Continuing Meeting at Fashoda,our selection from The River War by Winston S.
France Withdraws from Upper Nile
There is no Power in Europe which the average Englishman regards with less animosity than France.Continuing Meeting at Fashoda,our selection from
The Two Expeditions Meet
Two years had passed since they left the Atlantic coast. For four months they had been absolutely lost from human ken.Continuing Meeting at
Grand Enterprise Against New Foundland
In accepting the plan of conquest, New York completely changed front.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in Canada
Meeting at Fashoda
This series has five easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: IntroductoryReflections.IntroductionThe scramble of the nations of