Today's installment concludes Henry Hudson Explores the Hudson River,our selection from Life of Henry Hudson by Henry R. Cleveland.If you have
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Hudson Sails Upriver
He now determined to ascertain, by intoxicating some of the chiefs, and thus throwing them off their guard, whether they were plotting any
Hudson Reaches New York Harbor
They passed through the Narrows, sounding all along, and saw "a narrow river to the westward, between two islands," supposed to be Staten Island and
Henry Hudson Explores the Hudson River
This series has four easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Crossing the North Atlantic.IntroductionAlthough Henry Hudson was not
Summary of Canute’s Reign
Today's installment concludes Canute Becomes King of England,our selection from History of England by David Hume published in 1754. If you have
Canute Seeks Unity with English People
Canute, like a wise prince, was determined that the English, now deprived of all their dangerous leaders, should be reconciled to the Danish yoke, by
The Mohawk Expedition
Early in February, three hundred men under Dorvilliers were sent by Frontenac to surprise the Iroquois in their hunting-grounds.Our special
Internal Treachery Defeats the English
Among the other misfortunes of the English, treachery and disaffection had crept in among the nobility and prelates.Continuing Canute Becomes King
Canute Becomes King of England
This series has four easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Saxon Disunity and Dishonor.IntroductionAfter the success of King