This series has eight easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The Importance of O’Connell.IntroductionScarcely less important in
Archives for 2021
Belgium Independence Proclaimed
Today's installment concludes Revolution in Belgium,our selection from an article in Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 16 by Thomas Colley
Assault on Brussels
On the morning of the 24th the attack on the city was made at three several points; and, to the great astonishment of Prince Frederick and his troops,
The Prince of Orange Enters Brussels
He now came forward from the ranks of his devoted army, to throw himself alone among a host of armed and inveterate enemies, in fulfilment of his
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 15
The winter that followed the arrival of the furs from the upper lakes was a season of gayety without precedent since the war began.Our special
The Regency of Brussels
The Belgians were gradually worked up to revolt against a new-made sovereign, the type and instrument of foreign domination.Continuing Revolution in
Belgium’s Grievances
Such were the sources of Belgian grievances; such the difficulties the Government had to surmount.Continuing Revolution in Belgium,our selection
Later History of Belgium
In 1815 Belgium was joined to The Netherlands by the Council of Vienna.Continuing Revolution in Belgium,our selection from an article in Great
Revolution in Belgium
This series has seven easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: A Revolution Centuries in the Making.IntroductionIt was an event of