This series has three easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: On the Road to Lutzen.IntroductionNo actor in the Thirty Years' War
Archives for 2021
A Good Beginning for Ireland
Today's installment concludes Catholic Emancipation in Ireland,with our final installment from William E.H. Lecky and then we present the third part
Emancipation’s Impact on Ireland
The tenant usually sublet his tenancy, and on the great rise of prices resulting from the war, the subtenant usually took a similar course, and the
Relief Bill Passed
This marks a great social revolution in Ireland — the substitution of the priests for the landlords as the leaders of the people.Continuing Catholic
Catholics and the Army
Ireland was now on the very verge of revolution. The whole mass of the people had been organized like a regular army and taught to act with the most
Should Britain Pay Catholic Clergy?
The State having an established religion, the members of that religion had a right to a position of political ascendency.Continuing Catholic
Rivalry and Strife in Canada
At first, Frontenac showed great moderation, but grew vehement and then violent, as the dispute proceeded.Our special project presenting the
Agitation Grows in Ireland
The success of the Catholic Association became every week more striking.Continuing Catholic Emancipation in Ireland,with a selection from Leaders
Growth of Irish Priests’ Influence
Few things are more striking to those who compare the present condition of Ireland with her past than the rapidity with which the power of the priests