This series has seven easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Tyndall Works on the Bible.IntroductionThe "New Learning" which had
Archives for 2021
Dutch Found New York
IntroductionGreater fame ordinarily attaches to the discovery of some vast region of the earth than to the finding or exploring of a limited coast,
Acadia, a Lawless Land
The new governor was ordered to require him to abandon "his vagabond life among the Indians," cease all trade with the English, and establish a
Britain’s Inadequate Response
Today's installment concludes Great Potato Famine in Ireland,our selection from Four Years of Irish History by Sir Charles Gavan Duffy published in
Description of the Famine
The English gentry were busy in transferring the harvest to England or clearing the population off their estates sowing a hatred which persisted to
Great Potato Famine in Ireland
This series has three easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: What Went Wrong.IntroductionThis is the stories of one of the greatest
Appreciation of Gustavus Adolphus
Today's installment concludes Gustavus Adolphus at Lutzen,our selection from History of Gustavus Adolphus by Benjamin Chapman published in
Sweden’s King Killed
The Imperialist soldiers about the King, each anxious to possess some trophy, had stripped the body to the shirt, and were about to carry it off when
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 16
The contest for territorial mastery was fourfold: first, for the control of the west; secondly, for that of Hudson's Bay; thirdly, for that of