If a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world, during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he
Archives for November 2021
Emperor Turnover in Early Roman Empire
Their united reigns are possibly the only period of history in which the happiness of a great people was the sole object of government.Continuing
Government Stability in Early Roman Empire
The soldiers were seldom roused to that fatal sense of their own strength, and of the weakness of the civil authority, which was, before and
Absolute Monarchy in Disguise
The masters of the Roman world surrounded their throne with darkness, concealed their irresistible strength, and humbly professed themselves the
Parkman Part 6-1, Chapter 2
In the few years of doubtful peace that preceded Queen Anne's War, an enterprise was begun, which, nowise in accord with the wishes and expectations
Emperor’s Control of Officials
The usual number of consuls, praetors, and tribunes, were annually invested with their respective ensigns of office, and continued to discharge some
The Power of the Roman Generals
In his camp the general exercised an absolute power of life and death; his jurisdiction was not confined by any forms of trial, or rules of
Roman Empire’s Government
This series has eight easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Augustus Takes Charge.IntroductionAfter Augustus the government may
Effects of Peace and Prosperity on the Roman Empire
Today's installment concludes Roman Empire's Society and Economy,our selection from The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by