Today's installment concludes The First Balkan War,the name of our combined selection from J. Ellis Barker, Frederick Palmer, and Stephen P. Duggan.
Archives for October 2021
Peace of Ryswick Reaches Canada
Frontenac called on his guests to drink the health of King William. Schuyler, the New York represented replied by a toast in honor of King
Columbus Day, 2021
Columbus’ discovery of the Americas was an event of the highest importance in the history of the world. Through Columbus the Europeans discovered the
Peace Negotiations Begin
Who shall possess Adrianople?Continuing The First Balkan War,Today is our final installment from Frederick Palmer and then we begin the third part
Bulgarian Operations
To the Turk, Adrianople is a holy city. Here is the most splendid mosque in all the empire, that built by the conqueror Sultan Selim.Continuing The
Military Operations of the First Balkan War
Na noj!" ("Fix bayonets!") had won. "Na noj! Give them the steel!" was the cry of a nation.Continuing The First Balkan War,with a selection from
War Begins
Owing to the mistakes made in its creation, the Turkish Empire has been for a long time an Empire in the process of disintegration.Continuing The
The First Balkan War
This series has six easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Turkish Revolution’s Impact on the Balkans.IntroductionTurkey's
Frontenac Attacks the Onondagas
Onondaga, formerly an open town, had been fortified by the English, who had enclosed it with a double range of strong palisades.Our special