This series has six easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Orleans Seems Doomed.IntroductionIn 1415 the Battle of Agincourt put
Archives for August 2021
Wolsey Dies in the Tower of London
Today's installment concludes The English Reformation and Wolsey's Fall,our selection from A Short History of the English People by John Richard
Pope Refuses Henry VIII’s Divorce
Henry's wrath fell at once on Wolsey. Whatever furtherance or hinderance the Cardinal had given to his remarriage, it was Wolsey who had dissuaded him
Villebon in Acadia
One thing was indispensable. A blow must be struck that would encourage and excite the Abenakis.Our special project presenting the definitive
Wolsey’s Enemies Increase
The great nobles whom he had practically shut out from the King's counsels were longing for his fall. The Boleyns and the young courtiers looked on
King Henry Wants Divorce
It was needful for the Cardinal to find some expedient to carry out the King's will, for the group around Anne were using her skillfully for their
Wolsey Made Cardinal
What really sheltered the reforming movement was Wolsey's indifference to all but political matters.Continuing The English Reformation and Wolsey's
Reformation Reaches England
In 1528 the excitement which followed on this rapid diffusion of Tyndale's works forced Wolsey to more vigorous action.Continuing The English
The English Reformation and Wolsey’s Fall
This series has seven easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Tyndall Works on the Bible.IntroductionThe "New Learning" which had