Clement, who by his pennywise parsimony had left himself defenseless, made a feeble and wholly vain attempt to put the city in a state of
Archives for April 2021
A Disgraced and Ruined Man
If the Emperor wished his army kept together, and provided no sums for the purpose, he was not unwilling that they should live by plunder.Continuing
Manning Rome’s Citadel
He stationed me with five fine pieces of artillery on the highest point of the castle.Continuing Charles V Sacks Rome.Today is our final
Charles V Sacks Rome
This series has five easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Bourbon's Army Arrives.IntroductionCharles, Duc de Bourbon, known as
The Moving Drama on the Banks of the Vaal
Today's installment concludes Diamonds Discovered in South Africa,our selection from The Diamond Mines of South Africa by Gardner F. Williams
Sights Along the Way to the Diamond Fields
When the prospectors crossed the karroo and entered the stretches of pasture-land which the Dutch called “veld”, the scenes of their marches were much
French Raid New England
New England needed no prompting to take up arms; for she presently learned to her cost that, though feeble and prostrate, Canada could sting.Our
The Hard Journey to the Diamond Fields
Day after day, as the diamond-seekers from Cape Town plodded on with their creaking wagons, the same purpled brown face was out spread before them of
Easter, 2021
This holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This is significant because only a divine authority can reverse death.When