Today's installment concludes Nicholas V Rebuilds Rome,our selection from Makers of Modern Rome by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant published in 1895.If
Archives for February 2021
Building the Vatican Library
Vespasian gives us a list of the principal among these five thousand volumes, the things which he prized most, which the Pope bequeathed to the Church
Nicholas V Rebuilds Rome
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Heart and Center of Christendom.This selection is from Makers of
Nelson’s Victory at the Nile
Today's installment concludes Napoleon's Egyptian War,our selection from Popular History of England by Charles Knight published in 1856.If you
“Forty Centuries Look Down Upon You.”
In spite of the desperate courage of the Mameluke cavalry, the steadiness of the disciplined soldiery of the army of Italy repelled every assault and
Hurons Thwart Peace Treaty
For them peace between the French and the Iroquois would be a signal of destruction, since Denonville could not or would not protect his
Napoleon’s Egyptian War
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Napoleon Enters Egypt.IntroductionNapoleon's Italian victories forced
Another Pope Begins Schism
Today's installment concludes Great Pope/Anti-Pope Schism Begins,our selection from History of Latin Christianity by Henry Hart Milman published in
Pope Urban’s Bad Behavior
Friends and foes agree in attributing the schism, at least the immediate schism, to the imprudent zeal, the imperiousness, the ungovernable temper of