Today's installment concludes Luther Burbank's Accomplishments,the name of our combined selection from Garrett P. Servtss and David Starr Jordan.
Archives for January 2021
Luther Burbank’s Methods
The process of formation of new types may be grouped under four heads: selection, crossing, hybridization, and mutation (or saltation).Continuing
Denonville Versus Dongan
The French governor, unlike his rival (the British Governor of New York), felt strong in the support of his king, who had responded amply to his
Artificial Pollination
It may have occurred to the reader that there is something like wizardry in the rapidity with which Mr. Burbank brings his new kinds of plants to
How Is It Done?
But the reader may naturally ask : “How can Mr. Burbank, or any other human being, cause nuts to thicken or thin their shells at his
New Plants Such as the Plumcot
It is absolutely a new kind of fruit. The very flavor and taste of it have hitherto been unknown to the human palate.Continuing Luther Burbank's
Luther Burbank’s Accomplishments
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: What Did Burbank Do?.IntroductionLuther Burbank was a pioneer
The Other Kings Ignore the Partition
Today's installment concludes First Partition of Poland,our selection from History of Poland by James Fletcher.If you have journeyed through the
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 7
The state of the settlements, scattered in broken lines for two or three hundred miles along the St. Lawrence, seemed to him an invitation to