This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Vicar of Christ.IntroductionA central theme of the Medieval
Archives for January 2021
British Army Reaches Safety
Today's installment concludes Battle of Lexington,our selection from History of the Siege of Boston by Richard Frothingham published in 1849.If
The British Army Retreats
The detachment, however, must have soon surrendered had it not in its extreme peril found shelter in the hollow square of a reinforcement sent to
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 8
This buccaneer exploit exasperated the English public, and it became doubly apparent that the state of affairs in America could not be allowed to
Battle at Concord
It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning when the Provincials, about three hundred in number, arrived near the river.Continuing Battle of
Martin Luther King Day, 2021
Today we commemorate Martin Luther King and Civil Rights history. This year we reprint "My Escape from Slavery" by Frederick Douglass published in The
The British March on to Concord
The British troops formed on the Common, fired a volley, and gave three huzzas in token of victory.Continuing Battle of Lexington,our selection
Engagement at Lexington
The first guns, few in number, did no execution. A general discharge followed, with fatal results.Continuing Battle of Lexington,our selection
Battle of Lexington
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride.IntroductionThe significance of this event