Today's installment concludes Cromwell's Ireland Campaign,our selection from Oliver Cromwell by Frederic Harrison published in 1888.If you have
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The Wexford Massacre
In the view of the Commonwealth government, the mass was by law a crime, Catholic priests were legally outlaws, and all who resisted the Parliament
The Drogheda Massacre
The lurid light of this great crime burns still after centuries across the history of England and of Ireland.Continuing Cromwell's Ireland
Cromwell’s Ireland Campaign
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: War of Protestant Versus Catholic.IntroductionThe brutality of
Panama Agrees to US Canal
Today's installment concludes USA Acquires Rights to Build the Panama Canal,the name of our combined selection from A. Maurice Low and Chauncey M.
Panama’s Attitude Towards USA
It will thus be seen that President Nuñez, who was both a usurper and a dictator, arbitrarily annulled the constitution under which Panama consented
Parkman Vol 4, Chapter 21
This ends Volume IV: The Old Regime in Canada, of the series of books on France in North America by Francis Parkman.Our special project
How Columbia Ruled Panama
The story of the rule of Panama by these arbitrary satraps sent down from Bogota reads like the history of the rule of a Roman proconsul or the story
Columbia’s Negotiations Regarding the Panama Canal
Then occurred to him an idea of high finance which ought to make the most imaginative and audacious of our promoters blush at their