Some Thoughts on the Past Month – June 2020
– Jack Le Moine
The Minneapolis murder of the arrested Black man by the policeman was the most horrific and unambiguous act of police brutality in a very long time. Thanks to today’s technology it is the most well documented.
The protests, like most street protests, began with a good point (more combatting racism) and transitioned to extremism (defund the police).
Why did they choose “defund the police” instead of other available slogans? – Rethink the police; reboot the police; replace the police? They chose none of the alternative terms; they chose the word “defund”. That’s what all this fuss has come to – that?
As their supporters in the media and in politics talk about this term are they explaining an agreed upon explanation or just more spinning stories?
The protestors and their supporters In the media claim that they are peaceful and that the violence comes from the actions of just a few? So why cannot the many police the few? — Especially if they are against the official police acting?
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