This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Mystery of the Missing Princes.IntroductionThe brief reign of Richard
Archives for May 2020
Union of the Fur Companies
Today's installment concludes Fur Companies Abolished,our selection from The Canadian Northwest: Its History And Its Troubles From The Early Days Of
Fur Companies in the Pacific Northwest
Lewis and Clark accomplished for the United States what Sir Alexander Mackenzie had accomplished for Canada.Continuing Fur Companies Abolished,our
The Metis People of Canada
They were inured to hardships; they were at home in the woods; their relations with the Indians were of the happiest.Continuing Fur Companies
Hudson Bay Company Has Trouble Expanding
The Northwest Fur Company of Montreal was for nearly forty years an active and formidable rival of the Hudson Bay Company.Continuing Fur Companies
Furs Are French Canada’s Main Export
We come now to a trade far more important than all the rest together, one which absorbed the enterprise of the colony, drained the life-sap from other
The Hudson’s Bay Company Versus French Canada
The French in the south were materially interfering with its trade,Continuing Fur Companies Abolished,our selection from The Canadian Northwest:
Memorial Day, 2020
Today is Memorial Day. We remember the sacrifice of those who served the United States of America.This year we're reprinting "The Battle of
Fur Companies Abolished
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: How the Companies Got Their Power.IntroductionThe fur-trade of Canada,