Today's installment concludes Andrew Jackson Becomes President,our selection from Life of Andrew Jackson by James Parton published in 1860.If
Archives for July 2019
Bravery and Devotion of Tonty
No sooner heard the news of La Salle's landing on the shores of the Gulf, and of the disastrous beginnings of his colony, than he prepared, on his own
Jackson Begins Spoils System
Partisan services should be rewarded by public office, though it involved the removal from office of competent and faithful incumbents.Continuing
Appointment Policy Before Jackson
It is delightful to observe with what a scrupulous conscientiousness the early Presidents of this Republic disposed of the places in their
Andrew Jackson’s Inauguration
From the many rash and careless remarks of General Jackson some readers have inferred that the General was not, at all times, master of his
Andrew Jackson Becomes President
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Election of 1828.IntroductionAndrew Jackson was the quintessential
Henry IV Beats Back Spain
Today's installment concludes Henry of Navarre Ends French Religious Wars,our selection from Memoirs by Maximilien De Béthune, Duc De Sully
People of Paris Celebrate Henry As King of France
I observed to the King this disposition of the people with regard to him; tender and sensible as he was, he could not behold this spectacle without
White Savages
Joutel found himself doomed to the company of three villains, who, he strongly suspected, were contriving an opportunity to kill him,Previously in