On hearing of this, Philip ordered their immediate execution, and the same evening the last grand master of the Temple and his faithful comrades were
Archives for June 2019
King and Pope Conspire to End Knights Templars
Every house of the Templars in the dominions of the King of France was suddenly surrounded by a strong force, and all the Knights and members of the
End of the Knights Templars
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Background of the Knights.IntroductionThe quarrel between Philip the
Vijayanagar Empire Established
Today's installment concludes The Beginning of the Vijayanagar Empire,our selection from A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar by Robert Sewell published
The Reign of Muhammad Taghlaq
He conquered Gujarat, was at war with Bengal, and had trouble with the Turkomans on the borders of Persia.Continuing The Beginning of the
Desperation in French Texas Fort
These multiplied disasters bore hard on the spirits of the colonists.Previously in The Discovery of the Great West.Our special project
Southern India Consolidates Behind Vijayanagar
And thus by leaps and bounds the petty state grew to be a kingdom, and the kingdom expanded till it became an empire.Continuing The Beginning of the
How Southern India Founded Vijayanagar
Thus the period at which our history opens, about the year 1330, found the whole of Northern India down to the Vindhya mountains firmly under Muslim
The Beginning of the Vijayanagar Empire
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The City of Victory.IntroductionIn the long history of India, the story