The effects of this great change for the better in the Press are innumerable and somewhat difficult to analyze.Continuing China Awakens 1905,with
Archives for January 2019
Why China Reacted Differently Than the Japanese to the Foreigners’ Arrival
We were different: we were not used to receiving lessons from others.Continuing China Awakens 1905,with a selection from A Chinese Cambridge Man.
How China Saw the Arrival of the Foreigners
It would be wrong to say that we were not impressed by the newcomers.Continuing China Awakens 1905,Today is our final installment from Adachi
China Ends Concessions
Not so many years ago many thoughtful people excused the Peking Government for neglecting to attend to many important governmental functions, because
New Year’s Day, 2019
Happy New Year from History Moments!Annual Reportby Jack Le Moine, the PublisherThe backbone of this site is stories of the great events of