This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Garibaldi’s Legion Crosses Sea From Sicily.IntroductionAfter the
Archives for October 2018
Agreement Reached at Rueil
Today's installment concludes Treaty of Westphalia Ends Thirty Years War,our selection from Mazarin by Arthur Hassall published in 1903.If you
Mazarin Wins at Westphalia
The financial, judicial, and commercial administration of the kingdom was regulated, and measures were taken to check arbitrary arrests and to reform
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 9
Nevertheless, his energy and address make him equal to anything; and now, at a season when everybody is in fear of the ice, he is setting out to begin
Progress Report
Podcastsare now up and running. These run about 10 minutes and are based on stories that have appeared in print here. This is an exciting way to get