Here she lay three quarters of an hour, pouring in a fierce fire with great effect, until, finding that all the small vessels were out of gunshot, she
Archives for August 2018
Parkman Vol. 3, Chapter 6
Here were vast projects, projects perhaps beyond the scope of private enterprise, conceived and nursed in the brain of a penniless young
Bombarding Tripoli’s Forts
This was thought to have been effected by 2 a.m., when the two vessels began to throw their bombs, covered by the gunboats.Continuing The Tripolitan
Fights of the Desperate Boarding Parties
An idea of the desperate nature of the fighting that distinguished this remarkable assault may be gained from the amount of the loss.Continuing The
American Fleet Attacks Tripolitan Fleet
The eastern, or most weatherly division of the enemy’s gun boats, nine in number, as being least supported, was the aim of the American
The Tripolitan War of 1804
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: American Fleet Assembles off Coast of Libya.IntroductionAt the opening
Battle of Blaauwberg
Today's installment concludes Great Britain Acquires Cape Colony,our selection from A history of South Africa, from the first settlement by the
Dutch Reacquire Control of Cape Colony
In 1802 was signed the Peace of Amiens, by which Great Britain agreed to restore the Cape to the Batavian Republic.Continuing Great Britain Acquires
Marquette’s Exploration Ends
They dug a grave beside the hut, and here they buried him.Previously in The Discovery of the Great West.Our special project presenting the