Between the panic-stricken fugitives and the victors were undefeated units capable of disputing a southern advance. Between the panic-stricken
Archives for March 2018
Northern Army Pushes Southern Army Back
This at length had been effected; and Schenck’s brigade and Ayres’s battery, of Tyler’s division, were on the point of crossing the Run to aid in
Parkman, Volume 2, Chapter 32
Most of this installment consists of the remainder of Chapter 31. The Jesuits abandon their Huron missions.Previously in The Jesuits in North
The First Battle of Bull Run
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Union Army Moves South.IntroductionThis battle was the first large
Hungary Defeated
Today's installment concludes The Hungarians Revolt,our selection from Story of Hungary by Arminius Vembery published in 1887.If you have
Hitler Meets Finland’s General Mannerheim
This is the only recording of Hitler speaking in his everyday voice (not a speech but one on one to another person in a room).Mannerheim was the
Hungary Beset on All Sides
A last attempt was now made by the Hungarians to negotiate peace with the court, but it failed,Continuing The Hungarians Revolt,our selection from
Arise, O Magyar!
At that time the Hungarian Diet still met at Presburg but the two sister-cities of Buda and Pest formed the real capital of the country and were the
Who Was Kossuth?
But while the excited passions raged throughout the country, the Government, nothing loth, caused Kossuth to be prosecuted for high