Today's installment concludes How Medieval Venice Was Governed,our selection from History of the Venetian Republic by William C. Hazlitt published
Archives for February 2018
My Seven Biggest Decades Course, Session 7
To 1945Topics Inventions and Daily Life Churchill Versus Hitler World War II The Cold War BeginsIn Lieu of
Venice Invests Doge With Power
The nearest model for their adoption or imitation was the Lombard type of government almost under their very eyes.Continuing How Medieval Venice
How Medieval Venice Was Governed
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Dangers From the Mainland.IntroductionAs invading barbarians poured in
John Smith and Pocahontas
Today's installment concludes English Settle Virginia,our selection from A History of Virginia by Robert Reid Howison published in 1846.If you
Jamestown Starves
They had little whereupon to feast, except a miserable compound of wheat and barley boiled with water, and even to the larger portion of this the
Jamestown Founded
On either side the distant land presented a scene of tranquil verdure, upon which the eye might rejoice to repose.Continuing English Settle
Preparations for the First Voyage
The London Company eagerly prepared for their proposed scheme of settlement.Continuing English Settle Virginia,our selection from A History of
My Seven Biggest Decades Course, Session 6
To 1935Topics The Roaring Twenties Hoover’s Election The Crash of 1929 The Great Depression Origins of the Axis of Evil