Meanwhile his great didactic treatise, which had been written in his native Czech tongue, was yet unpublished.Continuing Comenius Modernizes
Archives for 2017
Mexican Revolution
This is a great documentary on the revolutionary struggles in Mexico in the early decades of the 20th. Century. It gives the historical background of
Fact-File: Paul Ryan
Another short summary of a major figure in the news.Present Position: Speaker of the U.S. House of RepresentativesEarly Life and Education
On the Rich and Money
The rich continue to get rich the same way they always have - by understanding how money works and making their money work for them.Money is kind
Search for a General Method of Education
Bacon, though not himself a realist in the modern and abused sense of that term, was the father of realism.Continuing Comenius Modernizes
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 19
Onontio, you are good: we are bad. But our anger is gone; I have no heart but for peace and rejoicing."Previously in The Jesuits in North America in
Comenius Modernizes Education
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Looking for an Education Methodology.IntroductionJohn Amos Comenius
Columbus Claims Island for Spain
Today's installment concludes Columbus Discovers America,the name of our combined selection from Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Columbus. The
America at a Crossroads
This is an old PBS documentary about America's global military presence.It suggests that America is an empire. In order to do that it has