When the little fort was broken into, only one Spanish officer and four men were alive out of the entire garrison. The forces on the opposing sides
Archives for June 2017
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 17
These Canadian tribes were undergoing that process of extermination, absorption, or expatriation, which, as there is reason to believe, had for many
Opposing Armies Come into Contact
The Spanish garrison numbered thirteen thousand men, amply supplied with ammunition, behind trenches and barbed-wire fences which were so well
US Army Begins Advance on Santiago
But he was not aware of the true condition of the roads. There were no roads.Continuing The Cuban Campaign,with a selection from The Rescue of
The House of European History Erases Religion
by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This article The House of European History Erases Religion was published 4
From Kennedy to Obama
From our Humor Department:President Kennedy put men on the Moon. President Obama put men in the ladies room.
Comey’s Testimony Last Week
From our Humor Department:As FBI Director James Comey’s celebrated testimony to Congress enters the history books, let’s pause a moment to
Spanish Fleet Trapped
While Sampson was returning from his hunt for Cervera at Porto Rico, the Spaniard was sailing due northwest for Santiago de Cuba, which he reached on
Jogues Escapes
His desperation gave him strength; and, by working the boat to and fro, he pushed it at length, little by little, into the water, entered it, and