This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Western Europe at This Time.IntroductionThe people of Islam had
Archives for 2016
Plutarch on God is the brave man's hope; not the coward's excuse.- PlutarchHe wrote bigraphies of great people of the ancient
Byzantine’s Administration of Justice
The free citizens of Athens and Rome enjoyed in all criminal cases the invaluable privilege of being tried by their country.Justinian Code
Parkman Vol. 1 Part II, Chapter 14
By the Indian standard, it was a mighty nation; yet the entire Huron population did not exceed that of a third or fourth class American city. In the
Davis Captured by Union Forces
I had gone perhaps fifteen or twenty yards when a trooper galloped up and ordered me to halt and surrender . . . .Today's installment concludes
Last Battles of the Civil War
This was, I believe, the last armed conflict of the war, and, though very small in comparison to its great battles, it deserves notice as having
What Dynamic Mapping Reveals About War
Dynamic Mapping means showing a subject through both space and time. While a geographic map shows a subject at a point in time (using picture), a
Francis Parkman’s Complete Works
We are running his history of French Canada every Tuesday. Here is how you can get his books cheap! (Yes, I am an affiliate and will get a
Franklin’s Reason for Poor Richard’s Almanac
From our Humor Department:I might at this place attempt to gain thy favor, by declaring that I write Almanacks with no other View than that of the