by Jack Le MoineI liked this book a lot. H.G. Wells might not have been a professional historian but he did have valuable insights. I especially
Archives for 2016
Gordon’s Statue at Kartoum
From our Humor Department:The central square of Kartoum has a equestrian statue of General Charles George Gordon who died heroically defending the
Mutual Assured Destruction to 1972
A nuclear holocaust threatens all life on the planet. During the Cold War the main threat was war between the super-powers. Bombs from rogue states
Importance of Native American Clan Structure
Through most of North America the structure of the clan formed the basis of their societies. This passage is about Native American clan
Vietnam: The LBJ Years
Lyndon Johnson turned the Vietnam conflict from another of the world's many conflicts into a full-scale war but shrank from following through.The
Early Castro Years in Cuba
Castro benefited from the deaths of his main rivals during the Cuban Revolution. As he solidified his power he revealed his Communism to the people of
Slavery and the American Revolution
Today's installment concludes Slavery Injected Into Virginia,the name of our combined selection from Charles Campbell and John M. Ludlow. The
English Royalty’s Support of Slavery
Queen Elizabeth had been a partner in the second voyage of Sir John Hawkins, the first English slave-captain.Continuing Slavery Injected Into
Hillary Clinton on Taking Criticism
"Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off