If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.More about Barrack Obama.
Archives for December 2016
Clive’s Report on Battle of Plassy
Such is the account which Clive gave of the battle in a journal written by him very shortly after, if not on the day after, it was foughtContinuing
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 6
Where should they found it? Not the largest Huron village; De Brebeuf has other ideas.Previously in The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth
Clive Arrives at Plassy
The situation was certainly a very alarming one. Clive had only 3200 men to oppose what proved to be an army of 50,000. He had no cavalry, and only a
Mir Jafar and the Treaty With the Nawab
At an early stage of the proceedings Clive received overtures from Mir Jafar, the commander-in-chief, who offered to aid the English against the Nawab
Prototypes of Future Homes Being Built Now
This video shows a future houseboat and what a community of these would look like. [Edit] the video was removed by them. The home videoed
The Electoral College: Two Things to Know
Noting that various mainstream media have been reporting news and history about this institution that is fake, here are some points to know and
Hitler Impresses Chamberlain
From our Humor Department:During a break in the 1938 Munich Talks British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain visited Hitler’s home atop the
Defeat of the Nawab
A battle ensued on February 5th, in which Clive, with 1350 Europeans, 800 Sepoys, and 7 field-guns, beat the Nawab's force of 40,000 men, including